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When vendors promote their software, they often showcase features and functions to get businesses excited about the potential change an application can bring to their business. Their promotional videos are designed to make it look easy to use but don’t be fooled, software implementation is...
Read ArticleI joined the software industry in 2003, the same year as Wordpress. Back then just under 41m business were on the web, 2 years prior around 29m. Now fast forward 20 years, today there are 1.92b websites. During those 20 years I have witnessed the...
Read ArticleIt always peaks my interest when I see strap lines like ‘6 Step Sales Process’. If a Sales Process was as simple as six steps, wouldn’t we have already mastered it long ago? If every business followed the same ‘6 Steps to Success’ where is...
Read ArticleI started 20 years ago in Software, I was 23 years old running my first business that provided Mortgages, Insurances, and Pensions to clients. Most businesses were still paper-based, but I had ambitions about automation and started designing one of the first web-based CRM applications...
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